terms & conditionS

If we haven’t received your payment within 14 days after you have been accepted, your registration will automatically be canceled. If you made a couple registration and your partner has not paid, you will be placed in the singles waiting list and if we cannot offer you a spot you will be reimbursed minus bank fees.

You have the possibility to cancel your booking as long as you have not paid for the pass.  You are responsible to contact us at [email protected] to cancel your registration.

Partypass can not be combined with fullpass/extremepass in a couples registration

You can be in different levels in a couple registration but make sure that you state in the registration which levels you wish to enter.

Couple registrations will have priority before single registrations.

Single registrations are accepted in due order after being paired with single registrations of the opposite dance role.

In order to get the discounted prices (early bird and normal bird) your registration must be ACCEPTED within the time frame.

In order to enter level 4, 5 or all-star you must provide us with your WSDC number.

If you register for level 4, 5 or all-star and do not have the correct qualification you will automatically be placed in level 3 with the possibility to audition for higher levels.

You are responsible for providing us with accurate contact information so that we can reach you.

GDPR. According to the new data protection law that is applicable within the EU we need your personal information to allow you to use our digital services, to send information about the event you are attending, and individual offers.

Once you have been accepted, you will receive a registration confirmation and payment instructions by email. You are responsible for checking your Spam folder.

payment options: 

International – Card payment (Online) only! NOT NOT Use IBAN, Revolut, Wise, paypal, – The system cannot track your payments.

You should not need to specify anything, everything should be done automatically. 

Please note that the system/payment provider charges a service fee for the card payment.

Swedish – pay with bankgiro and use OCR number. DO NOT pay two passes  with the same payment/Ocr-number.

To confirm your registration and secure your spot, payment is due within 14 days after you have been accepted to the event. If you do not pay within the date stated in the confirmation email, we have the right to cancel your registration.

If you need an extension on the due date of the payment, you must contact us at [email protected].

If you made a couple registration and one of the parties has not paid the invoice in time, the other party will be put on the waiting list. If the paid party (on the waiting list) does not get matched with the opposite dance role the payment will be refunded, with the exception of bank fees.

  • Paid tickets are non-refundable. 
  • You can sell/transfer your tickets, please note that we charge an administration fee of 250 SEK.  
  • You are transferring your workshop level and your dance role.

How to transfer / sell your tickets

 1. The person SELLING needs to email us on [email protected] and inform who will be buying the ticket. Please include your bank details for a refund.

Please Note: You may only sell your pass for the price you paid or less. If you like to sell your pass for a discounted price just let us know in your email. If you have a group discount or other discounts the person buying must meet the discount criteria in order to get that discount. 

2. The person BUYING needs to make a normal registration and type in the comment section whose ticket he/she is buying. He/she will then get an invoice of the agreed price for the ticket.

3. Once the pass is paid, the SELLER will be reimbursed minus admission cost and bank fees.

Please note SELLER that your ticket is tied to the level and dance role you purchased. 

Scandinavian Open WCS reserves the right to change instructors if necessary.

Scandinavian Open WCS reserves the right to change and adjust the schedule if necessary.

This is a WSDC regestry event. 

  • Wanna Dance Stockholm AB disclaims all responsibility for any personal injury that may be caused by you or your partners. Dance sports can be dangerous, be careful about yourself and your dance partners.
  • Wanna Dance Stockholm AB is not responsible for valuables.